Happiness – an unending search??

Happiness isn’t a word, it is an emotion.
More often than not, we are taught
to derive happiness,
we are taught, to make a person, or our family, or our friends, the source of our happiness,
to the extent they start impacting us conciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously
to the extent we are happy when “they” are happy and “they” are happy when we are,
it is convulated!
What we forget in the rut of “deriving” happiness is to understand what really makes “Us” happy.
We forget to enjoy the little moments of joy because we are under a constant scanner.
We forget, it can’t be associated with other,
We forget, it can’t be bought.
Happiness is a feeling from within,
to do what you want to do
to be who you want to be
to experience what can’t be explained
to love without any clauses
to take decisions without approvals
to gracefully accept rejections
to be content with what you have
to let go what is not meant to be
to be your sunshine!
Happiness is, to live in the moment, not search for the moment; Stop searching, start living!

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