Where do I belong?

She was chirpy and full of life, dreams withheld in her beautiful eyes

Her soul excited at things little and big

Her smile, kindness and affection melted hearts of near n dear

Her infectious laughter spread happiness and joy

Slowly and gradually she was being affected and she began to realize, 

Emotions and relationships were used as a tool

Everyone was in a race to win something nobody knew 

Hobbies were a thing of the past, money became the present , the future 

Most friends were friends for a reason

She wanted to run away to a place where she felt like before 

She now began to feel she could only make peace with the changes around

To hope, she finds someone like her to trust

Days, weeks, years passed and everytime she gave up a piece of her hope

While her heart wept , tears rolled down her eyes and she said take me to where I belong, I feel like an alien in the land I was born

Oh Lord, give me the courage, the strength to face it all or take me to where I belong !


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